Informed Consent for Participation

Research Study at the Center for Sport Performance, California State University, Fullerton

Title of Project: Sleep, Nutrition, and Training of Combat Sport Athletes Across the Globe - HSR #20-21-423
Principal Investigator: Dr. Andy Galpin, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

Purpose of the Study

The goal of this research study is to enhance our scientific understanding of sleep, nutrition, and training practices among combat sport athletes like yourself. The findings will provide enormously valuable insight for both athletes and coaches.

Procedures to be Followed

If you choose to participate, you will complete the following survey to the best of your ability. The survey is ~90 questions and will take most people around 20-30 minutes to complete. You can end the survey at any time or skip any question you like. The survey will ask questions about your sleep, training, and nutrition (including supplementation and alcohol) believes and personal practices.

Discomforts and Risks

There are no foreseeable risks.


a) Potential Benefits to the Participant:

If you complete this study, you will learn numerous things about your sleep, nutrition, and hydration. Following completion of the survey, you will receive a report indicating which areas or subtopics (for example, post-exercise nutrition, time of day to workout, amount of water to drink, etc.) that you scored the lowest on. No benefit is guaranteed.

b) Potential Benefits to Society:

These results will be useful for researchers, coaches, and other interested parties.

Confidentiality and Right to ask questions

None of the information you enter into the survey will be shared with your coaches, governing body, or anyone outside of the research team. In fact, we won’t even share whether or not you participated in the study. The research team will be analyzing your results independent of your name, so we won’t know who wrote filled out the survey.

All of the data will be obtained specifically for research purposes. Your privacy will be protected and all your information will be strictly confidential to the extent allowed by law. Your data may be presented or published, however your name will not be used. All data will be stored on a password protected computer hard drive either on a computer inside the laboratory or on investigator computers. Data and participant information will be indefinitely stored in an individually identifiable format. If you choose to discontinue your participation in the study, your data will be immediately destroyed via deletion (computer). All records associated with your participation in this study are subject to the usual confidentiality standards applicable to medical records, with the exception of Institutional Review Board review, and in the event of any publication resulting from the research no personally identifiable information will be disclosed.

If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or concerning a research-related injury, you can contact the following individuals: The principal investigator (Dr. Andy Galpin, , (657) 278-2112) or the Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, Office of Research Compliance, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92831, (657) 278-7719.


There is no compensation for participating in this study.

Voluntary Participation

You understand that your participation in this study is voluntary, and that you may withdraw from this study at any time by notifying the investigator. You understand that your refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled and that you may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You understand that your participation in this research may be terminated by the investigator without regard to your consent if you are unable or unwilling to comply with the guidelines and procedures explained to you, if the study is terminated prior to your completion, or if it is otherwise in your best interest.

You understand that you have not waived any legal right to which you are legally entitled by signing this form.

A copy of this consent form will be provided to you. You may take as much time as you need before making a decision. We will be glad to answer any questions you have about this study.

Andy Galpin, Ph.D., CSCS, NSCA-CPT
Center for Sport Performance
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92831